Blue Ribbon Reviewers Interest Form - Form Responses

Total Number of Entries: 210

Entry creation date Name Artist Website or Social Media Account Images of Artwork Phone Email County of Residence Title Dimensions Medium/Materials Brief Description of Artwork Questions, Comments, or other information you… Gender Identity What are your pronouns? Racial/Ethnic Identity (select all that apply) Age Do you identify as LGBTQIA+ (Lesbian, Gay,… Do you have a mental or physical disability? Entry updated date Entry ID Entry key Post ID Entry status
March 29, 2024 at 9:37 am Phillip Lynam×150.jpg 3179109594 Hendricks glide plane 24″ x 36″ acrylic on panel

I’m interested in the space between abstraction and representation. In this painting I’m using much of the language of my abstract work to create an image that references the pictorial space of landscape.

Male He, him White / Caucasian / European American 45-54 years old No No March 29, 2024 at 9:37 am 30688 sk1ya 0 0
March 29, 2024 at 9:30 am Philip Campbell×150.jpeg 317-919-8725 Marion Woman and Fish 17 x 28.25 x 3 inches African Mahogany, acrylic and spray paint

This piece has been on a long journey. It was started in 1998. I lived with the piece of wood for a long time until I could see this woman emerge from the wood. It is hand-carved in solid African Mahogany and was originally a 3/4 view of the woman’s body. It was exhibited many times over the years in its original state but there was always something about it that I felt was never finished. In 2023 I began to examine her again and made the bold decision to turn her in to a bust. Now she is perfect!

Male He, him White / Caucasian / European American 55-64 years old No No March 29, 2024 at 9:30 am 30687 yff0w 0 0
March 29, 2024 at 7:38 am Mechi Shakur×150.jpg 3176520601 Marion Power 42×34 Oil on canvas

Do you have the power to let power go

Male He, him African American / Black 25-34 years old No No March 29, 2024 at 7:38 am 30684 wc2ag 0 0
March 29, 2024 at 7:18 am Jay Parnell×150.jpeg 317.741.0153 Marion The Nature of Daylight 18”x24” Oil on wood panel

This painting is a story of childhood and loss.

Male He, him African American / Black 55-64 years old No No March 29, 2024 at 7:18 am 30683 pncpx 0 0
March 29, 2024 at 2:14 am Phyllis Viola Boyd×150.jpg 5126199181 Marion With loving awareness, everywhere is home, and everyone a friend (Dimension 3: Height of a Life) 47 in x 60 in acrylic paint on canvas

This painting is part of a series of three works related to the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. sermon “The Three Dimensions of a Complete Life.” This painting is about the third dimension – height – which is the spiritual aspect of one’s life and the reach for the divine. The title of the painting reflects a Buddhist perspective, and the two hummingbirds symbolize wisdom and compassion. The title is partially taken from the collection of concise poetic teachings in The Awakening Heart by Jamyang Tenphel.

The other two paintings in “The Three Dimensions of a Complete Life” series are also being submitted for your consideration.

Female She, her African American / Black 45-54 years old No No March 29, 2024 at 2:14 am 30682 zbugz 0 0
March 29, 2024 at 2:04 am Phyllis Viola Boyd×150.jpg 5126199181 Marion There is no such thing as one…Remember…We belong to each other (Dimension 2: Breadth of a Life) 47 in x 60 in acrylic paint on canvas

This painting is part of a series of three works related to the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. sermon “The Three Dimensions of a Complete Life.” This painting is about the second dimension – breadth – and has to do with how well we live in connection and in service to others.

Sermon excerpts:
“And don’t forget in doing something for others that you have what you have because of others. Don’t forget that. We are tied together in life and in the world.”

“And all I’m saying is simply this, that all life is interrelated. Somehow we are tied in a single garment of destiny, caught in an inescapable network of mutuality, where what affects one directly affects all indirectly.”

The other two paintings in “The Three Dimensions of a Complete Life” series are also being submitted for your consideration.

Female She, her African American / Black 45-54 years old No No March 29, 2024 at 2:04 am 30681 dfshf 0 0
March 29, 2024 at 1:52 am Phyllis Viola Boyd×150.jpg 5126199181 Marion What were you made for & what will you do with your wild and precious life? (Dimension 1: Length of a Life) 47 in x 60 in acrylic paint on canvas

This painting is part of a series of three works related to the Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. sermon “The Three Dimensions of a Complete Life.” This painting is about the first dimension – length – and is not about how long we live, but about how well we accept ourselves and how far we are able to live into our potential. Part of the title is paraphrasing the last line of Mary Oliver’s poem ‘The Summer Day’: “Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life?”

The other two paintings in “The Three Dimensions of a Complete Life” series are also being submitted for your consideration.

Female She, her African American / Black 45-54 years old No No March 29, 2024 at 1:52 am 30680 pqfu2 0 0
March 28, 2024 at 11:45 pm Jamahl Crouch×150.jpg,×150.jpg,×150.jpg,×150.jpg 3175884630 Marion Lady Nap 4.ft x 2.ft Acrylic Paint

This is my variation of the Lady victory in the center of downtown Indianapolis. I made this as a representation for the love I have for the city of Indianapolis and the people in it. In this variation everything is meant to be alive as if Victory herself is a living breathing part of the city, just like us.

It’s my goal as an artist to grow continuously, and create impactful works through out many genres and see the full potential of my skills over a lifetime. Please follow me on Instagram at illusmm1 , I am currently doing my best to aquire a website but in the meantime my Instagram is the best way to document my progression and growth as an artist and a person.

Male He, him African American / Black 25-34 years old No No March 28, 2024 at 11:45 pm 30679 8fhrl 0 0
March 28, 2024 at 11:16 pm John Sherman×150.jpg 3174595074 Marion Middle Passage 36″ x 24″ Photograph with text – high-quality photo paper, framed, under glass

This poem came to me as I peered through this opening in the upper wall of Castillo San Felipe del Morro, the heavily fortified ancient Spanish fort in San Juan, Puerto Rico, where men could well have stood and thought the thoughts expressed in this poem, gazing expectantly toward the east, toward Africa. I do not recall how old I was when I learned of the Middle Passage but it was so revolting, so horrifying, that one is compelled to talk about it, to write about it, and to use art (in my case, photography) to illustrate the words and the feelings.

There is such a debate about telling our youth the truth. That truth goes by another word: history. It is critical. If told the truth, youth and adults will be uncomfortable. That discomfort is a means of growing, of a growing acceptance, of accepting the discomfort, the horror about the actions of some ancestors and what happened to other ancestors.

Male He, him White / Caucasian / European American 65 years old or older Yes No March 28, 2024 at 11:16 pm 30678 jslv1 0 0
March 28, 2024 at 11:08 pm Angelita Hampton×150.jpg 3176940609 Marion La Morena 18×24 Acrylic Collage

This piece is part of a series exploring portrait collages, featuring elaborate floral headdresses. La Morena reflects my time living in Mexico and my appreciation for Mexican folk art, along with the elevation of black images of beauty which are a hallmark of my work.

Female She, her African American / Black 45-54 years old Yes Yes March 28, 2024 at 11:08 pm 30677 7dhjz 0 0
March 28, 2024 at 11:05 pm John Sherman×150.jpg 3174595074 Marion In the Presence 44″ x 36″ Photograph with text – high-quality photo paper, framed, under glass

I shot the friezes on the exterior wall of the palace of the Oba of Benin, in Benin City, Nigeria. The Oba is the traditional ruler; obas date back many centuries. The large photo was shot in the interior of the palace of Chief Idah, one of the Benin chiefs and an artist (the art shown was his work). The famous Benin bronzes come from this kingdom. Recently, some of the Benin artwork stolen in the late 19th century was returned. Many museums around the world contain work by these unnamed artists who created world-class masterpieces.

As of this writing, I am hoping to return to Nigeria once again for a conference and a series of university lectures in May of this year. I lived there twice and have visited a few times since. It is possible that I shall lecture at the University of Benin.

Male He, him White / Caucasian / European American 65 years old or older Yes No March 28, 2024 at 11:05 pm 30676 bsxj2 0 0
March 28, 2024 at 10:52 pm Phillip Lynam×150.jpg 317-910-9594 Hendricks anisotropic 30″ x 40″ acrylic on canvas

this painting is part of a larger body of work that explores the idea of creating pictorial space by layering and juxtaposing shapes of varying opacity

thanks for considering my work!

Male He, him White / Caucasian / European American 45-54 years old No No March 28, 2024 at 10:52 pm 30675 72fi4 0 0
March 28, 2024 at 10:40 pm John Sherman×150.jpg 3174595074 Marion Anne Frank 1974 24″ x 36″ Photograph with text – high-quality photo paper, framed, under glass

This is one of my “what if” poems, reflecting on a different outcome of the life of one of the 20th century’s most important figures. The photo, rather than show the Anne Frank House in Amsterdam, which, to me, would be too predictable, it is, instead, a window of a house in the Maritimes, Canada, selected because of the quietness, the possible secrecy behind the tightly closed curtains, chosen for this poem’s poster when spotted on a walk.

Male He, him White / Caucasian / European American 65 years old or older Yes No March 28, 2024 at 10:40 pm 30674 xk9uv 0 0
March 28, 2024 at 9:32 pm Derek Tuder×150.jpg 317-903-3137 Marion CIC Yes 30″ x 40″ Digital Art on Canvas

“CIC Yes” give it up for CICF as the beginning of its title dipicts the letters from CICF and the last word is YES, so when you put them together you get to say Central Indiana Communities, Yes! Yes, it is a play on words but what other single word can you say to best discribe the impact that CICF has had on Indiana? The word is YES!!!

This Artwork can also come in any size or sizes you need, to fit any wall. Available sizes include: 36″ x 48″ , 40″ x 60″ , 60″ x 60″, 40″ x 72″ , 48″ x 72″ , 40″ x 80″ , & 60″ x 90″

Male He, him African American / Black 55-64 years old No No March 28, 2024 at 9:32 pm 30673 n8zjw 0 0
March 28, 2024 at 8:27 pm Mechi Shakur×150.jpg 3176520601 Marion Power 42×34 Oil on canvas

Do you have the power to let power go

Male He, him African American / Black 25-34 years old No No March 28, 2024 at 8:27 pm 30672 sw6ti 0 0
March 28, 2024 at 6:32 pm Serena Boehmer×150.png 317-552-1555 Marion Chaos Part 2 11×14″ framed to 15×18″ Acrylic on canvas board

What if chaos itself isn’t necessarily a bad thing but it’s our relationship to it that makes it so? I had been mulling over this thought for weeks before I decided to explore it through brushstroke and paint on this canvas. If it’s not the chaos itself, but how we respond that creates tension, then what would it look like to change our approach?

Female She, her White / Caucasian / European American 25-34 years old Yes No March 28, 2024 at 6:32 pm 30671 hqme 0 0
March 28, 2024 at 6:23 pm Serena Boehmer×150.jpg 317-552-1555 Marion Drawing #9 18×24″ Charcoal on paper

Over the past year I have been working hard to improve my figure drawing skills, practicing at home as well as attending frequent live model figure drawing sessions which is where I created this drawing. I hold this work of art as a bit of a milestone on my ongoing journey to improve my ability to capture the spirit, movement, and essence of each figure I draw.

Female She, her White / Caucasian / European American 25-34 years old Yes No March 28, 2024 at 6:23 pm 30670 de0xl 0 0
March 28, 2024 at 6:18 pm Serena Boehmer×150.png 317-552-1555 Marion Sun Drop Peony 11.5×17″ framed to 18×22″ Watercolor and colored pencil

I grew up in the peony business, with my mom’s small field rolling out hundreds of stems each spring. These flowers are a marvel of nature, massive, stunningly gorgeous, and just as equally fragrant. They’re just the type of flower that tends to hold special memories, not only for me and my family but for people everywhere. So for every special memory held in a peony flower, this is my homage.

Female She, her White / Caucasian / European American 25-34 years old Yes No March 28, 2024 at 6:18 pm 30669 pz2ea 0 0
March 28, 2024 at 5:04 pm TASHA BECKWITH×150.jpg 31-447-0637 Marion Composite of a Black Man 36inx48in Oil on Canvas

The painting “Composite of a Black Man” is a captivating exploration of the diversity within the Black male experience, presented through a striking visual composition. Surrounding this central portrait are multiple squares containing a different Black man’s face. These faces vary in hair texture, skin tone, facial features, and expressions, showcasing the rich diversity within the Black community. The squares come together on top of a larger image of al Black man, symbolizing the collective experiences and identities that contribute to the complexity of Black masculinity.

Female She, her African American / Black 35-44 years old No No March 28, 2024 at 5:04 pm 30667 wzbl2 0 0
March 28, 2024 at 4:52 pm Amanda Spivey×150.jpg Marion Bulbs 20 x 15.5 inches oil paint

This painting is of a field of flowers with a sky full of light bulbs that are in the place of stars. The idea behind this one came from the concept that when you go out at night, it’s harder and harder to see the stars because of all the lights in the city. But instead of that being a negative thing, in this painting, it is the cause of the flowers being able to grow.

Female She, her White / Caucasian / European American 25-34 years old No No March 28, 2024 at 4:52 pm 30666 rq4uh 0 0
March 28, 2024 at 4:50 pm Bruce E. Armstrong N/A×150.jpg 3176263135 Marion SHADOW OF THE DEEP 24X36 ACRYLIC ON CANVAS

Exploring minimalism on black canvas.

Male He, him African American / Black 65 years old or older No No March 28, 2024 at 4:50 pm 30665 puz6o 0 0
March 28, 2024 at 4:46 pm Bruce E. Armstrong N/A×150.jpg 3176263135 Marion LEFT OF THE NITE 30X30 ACRYLIC ON CANVAS


Male He, him African American / Black 65 years old or older No No March 28, 2024 at 4:46 pm 30664 ate5r 0 0
March 28, 2024 at 4:43 pm Bruce E. Armstrong NA×150.jpg 3176263135 Marion EYES HAVE IT 36X48 ACRYLIC ON CANVAS

Exploring minimalism

Male He, him African American / Black 65 years old or older No No March 28, 2024 at 4:43 pm 30662 66cla 0 0
March 28, 2024 at 3:43 pm Derek Tuder×150.jpg 3179033137 Marion Diversity and Division in Harmory 24″ x 36″ Mixed Medium on Panel Wood and Framed

This Artwork depicts a vast array of different shape and colors that represents people from all walks of life, occupations, demographics, races & status that has come together in perfect harmony to create a much needed perfect picture of the world masterpiece, from an Artist’s POV.

This Artwork is an eyecatching conversation piece that is sure to have viewers taking photos of it to share, reflect on and to have fun with trying to figure out which object in the painting represents them.

Male He, him African American / Black 55-64 years old No No March 28, 2024 at 3:43 pm 30658 i3tjy 0 0
March 28, 2024 at 3:36 pm Kaila Austin×150.jpg 3177775020 Marion boy (babe denny) 24″ Diameter Oil and charcoal on Board

This piece is part of my Lost Boys series. As we build our archives for the Southside communities, there are so many people who we can not identify. I wanted to find a way to honor these people, in hopes that one day someone will recognize them and return their names and stories.

This painting is part of a larger collection exploring the history of Norwood, a small Reconstruction Era community in Southeast Indianapolis.

Female She, her African American / Black, White / Caucasian / European American 25-34 years old No Yes March 28, 2024 at 3:36 pm 30656 1pbx 0 0

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