Recent Stories

I got hooked on theatre very young. In elementary school, I felt like it fit and it was fun…I had a good middle/high school teacher. Theatre was fun and she pushed us. For a lot of children—and even adults–the IRT has been their one theatre experience. That is a great thing to tout. [A…Read More.
It’s hard to think that at this time in your life, when you can’t care for yourself, seems like God has stepped in providing a place like this. It’s taken a lot of people to help us. It started as an exercise place to go with other seniors, after we’d just moved to Indy. My […]Read More.
Basimah & Mohammad
Exodus made our move to America easy because everything was organized. We got on a plane from Jordan to Turkey. Then we went from Turkey to Washington D.C. Finally we went from Washington D.C. to Indianapolis. A caseworker was waiting for us at the airport. At every airport there was someone ther…Read More.
No one should be invisible…the depth and breadth of services that we have here for homeless folks, is really important. Even with our small staff we see 200 people a day. We focus on quality and focus on doing what’s right for the people we serve. We have barbers that come in several days…Read More.
Personal Mobility
Welcome to the debut episode of For Good, stories about passion, purpose and progress in Central Indiana.
This month, For Good looks at personal mobility. We’ll explore how limited access to transportation can impact opportunities for employment, healthcare and socia…Read More.
Legacy Fund honors community “pillars”
The Legacy Fund Community Pillar Awards honor individuals or corporations doing visionary work to solve pressing challenges, build opportunity and equity, and create a brighter future for Hamilton County residents in three leadership areas—college readiness and success, family success and inspi…Read More.
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