Recent Stories

Meet Brittany Rayburn
What is your role at CICF? I am director of development for Legacy Fund, the CICF affiliate serving Hamilton County. I have the privilege of cultivating new and existing relationships with donors and professional advisors in Hamilton County. I get to help prospective donors identify the type of g…Read More.
2017 Annual Professional Advisor Seminar 
Business Succession Expert Turney Berry Headlines 2017 Seminar  On September 28th, CICF welcomed over 140 local professional advisors to the annual CICF Professional Advisor Seminar, featuring Turney Berry, partner at Wyatt Tarrant & Combs LLP and nationally recognized leader in the area…Read More.
I started here as a volunteer in 2000 and the organization was founded in 1998, so everything was young and new. For me it has been a tremendously rewarding blessing. I’ve seen literally hundreds of students come through this program. We can’t function without our volunteers, financial donors…Read More.
If there’s no funding for arts education, then kids that thrive in the arts lose one of their top motivators to attend school. Many districts with low engagement in the arts see higher levels of truancy. There are connections between the arts and higher grades and higher rates of attendance amo…Read More.
From the Legacy Fund President’s Desk
As summer gives way to fall, and most organizations throughout the community begin planning for their year-end (Or at least they should be), I thought it was time for a more personal introduction. As the newest member of the Legacy Fund family, I'm humbled and honored to be a part of such a dynam…Read More.
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