I didn’t know about the IRT when they were at the Athenaeum all those years ago. Well, being African-American, it wasn’t in our culture necessarily to go, because it wasn’t invited. Now everyone has an open door. It’s possible for all walks of life and economic backgrounds to be able …Read More.
It’s a place where you can stay and be blessed and be happy. You don’t have to be concerned. You’ll be taken care of. —Hernan, guest at Joy’s HouseRead More.
I’m from Columbus, Indiana, but moved here for school. The people in the city are great. The hospitality is amazing, and you never get bored. Don’t be afraid to get out and see what it’s all about. Check out the art, museums, canal and the Indy Eleven. Go Indy Eleven! —Robert, participant…Read More.
We are always focused on wellness and independence—trying to really emphasize that the latter half of life is supposed to be full of promise and renewal and continued learning. —Carla, community outreach coordinator at PrimeLife EnrichmentRead More.
When I first came here, I was kind of lost. I didn’t know what to do. I didn’t have a job. I was going down the wrong path. This place has turned my life around. I got me a job in under a week. I’m starting to get back on track. I’m going to college. […]Read More.
Midtown’s mission is to rebuild the Midtown area, and to use the prosperity of the northern side of 38th to influence the south side of 38th, to inspire people and to give people the financial means and the economic knowhow to improve neighborhood from within without gentrification. CICF’s fu…Read More.