Recent Stories

Q&A with Gabrielle Sanchez-Steenberger
Meet Gabrielle Sanchez-Steenberger. Gabrielle is the new digital communications coordinator at CICF. In this role, she executes the foundation’s communication strategy, mission, and presence through digital media. Read More.
Substantiating Charitable Gifts at Tax Time
Now that tax time is upon us, many clients are scrambling to find records of their charitable contributions. As professional advisors, you can assist your clients in tracking down all types of records for tax purposes. Looking to simplify your clients’ recordkeeping for charitable gifts going f…Read More.
CICF Artist Ambassadors Announce Recipients of Artist Grants
Central Indiana Community Foundation’s Artist Ambassadors announced more than 40 recipients that will receive a total of $36,000 in grants. These micro-grants were created by the CICF Artist Ambassadors in response to the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on under-appreciated artists and are …Read More.
We, Too, are Philanthropy
From Tashi Copeland—The lack of opportunity, equity and inclusion in corporate America has been a hot-topic this year. However, not-for-profit entities cannot be excluded from this conversation. Multiple studies show that this industry still is predominantly White, especially in terms of leader…Read More.
Q&A with Noah Sandel
Meet Noah Sandel. Noah is the new strategic communications associate at Hamilton County Community Foundation. In this newly created role, they will develop external brand messaging, drive editorial story planning, and engage in campaign communication strategies.Read More.
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