Recent Stories

Our Commitment to Fundholders
Earlier this year, we partnered with the Center for Effective Philanthropy to survey fundholders within our philanthropic collaborative, which includes the Indianapolis Foundation, Central Indiana Community Foundation, and Hamilton County Community Foundation. We asked for our fundholders’ feed…Read More.
Trinity Free Clinic Supports Hamilton County with Vital Services
For more than two decades, Trinity Free Clinic has provided free health services to those living and/or working in Hamilton County who are uninsured, under-insured, and in low-income households. “When we started in 2000, we were only open on Saturdays from nine to twelve,” said Cindy Love, on…Read More.
Support Hurricane Relief Efforts
As our community faces the looming threat of another major hurricane, many Central Indiana residents have reached out to us asking how they can help. We understand that many are also still deeply concerned about the impact of recent storms and are eager to contribute to relief efforts. We are her…Read More.
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