Recent Stories

Mosaic Fellowship challenges organizations to build boards equitably
There is a lack of diverse board leadership in Indianapolis organizations causing boards to remain overwhelmingly White and male. Even organizations who have mastered diversity often fail at true inclusion and power-sharing with BIPOC, women, young people, and the LGBTQ+ communities. As a result,…Read More.
Professional Advisor Leadership Council (PALC) Update
On June 23, the Professional Advisor Leadership Council (PALC) convened at the Hamilton County Community Foundation to kick off their first of several meetings this calendar year. The meeting was held at the new Collaboration Hub, a new space and resource for Central Indiana not-for-profit…Read More.
CICF responds to new legislation around donor-advised funds
Legislation has been introduced in the US Senate (Accelerated Charitable Efforts Act) which could be the most significant change to donor-advised funds since they were created 80 years ago. The proposed legislation is designed to accelerate payouts from donor-advised funds and foundations to ge…Read More.
Q&A with Makenzie Healy
meet makenzie healy. She is the new opportunity, equity and inclusion coordinator at CICF. In this role, she oversees the day-to-day operations of the department and serves as the liaison to CICF’s community ambassadors. What excites you about your new role? What excites me about this new role …Read More.
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