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Spotlighting Stories: Gip Got Tips & PitchFeast
By Noah J. Sandel In preparation for the 10th anniversary of PitchFeast, we explore one of the many transformational stories that were discovered through the event. PitchFeast is more than a pitch-style event – it is an experience. Gip wasn’t the first Gip. Dwayne “Gip” Gibson fou…Read More.
Public Transit is More than a Bus Line—it can be a Lifeline
A real problem is people don’t recognize the importance of transportation unless they don’t have access to a personal vehicle. *Insert nervous laugh as I look around the room guiltily.  When you’ve always had your own vehicle, you don’t even consider what life would be like without…Read More.
CICF Philanthropic Collaborative Shares Progress on Equity Journey 
—by Brian Payne, President and CEO, Central Indiana Community Foundation  In 2018, the Central Indiana Community Foundation (CICF) philanthropic collaborative, including The Indianapolis Foundation, Hamilton County Community Foundation and Women’s Fund of Central Indiana, made a promise to o…Read More.
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