I’ve always had a soft spot for working with children. This program gives you such a new sense of life.
—Aryn, special programs director at Nine13 Sports
Inspirational snapshots of community members of Central Indiana and their stories.
I’ve always had a soft spot for working with children. This program gives you such a new sense of life.
—Aryn, special programs director at Nine13 Sports
I found out about La Plaza after hearing of their scholarships. I’ve attended every event since being a recipient to continue to learn more about their mission and maintain a relationship with the staff members here. The last event I attended was the tenth anniversary for La Plaza. They had the other scholarship recipients who shared their stories of hope, what La Plaza had done for them, telling the crowd that you don’t have to limit yourself and that there is help out there.
—Jocelyn, scholarship recipient from La Plaza
The most rewarding part is when people come and find out that they can get the resources they need.
—Lamiya, Image program ambassador at Brothers United
Over the last seven years, we’ve grown to 106 students on our roster for the summer, but we serve 220 per day with our after school programming at several sites. Edna Martin created an extended family thousands and thousands of people deep over the years. It’s our job to keep up with her growing family!
—Jamie, youth program coordinator at Edna Martin Christian Center
The best advice I have gotten is from my parents. They told me to listen well. I manage a large staff and the main thing I’m doing is listening to their needs. Making the best working conditions I can for them so they can make the best art they can make for this audience.
—Janet, executive artistic director at Indiana Repertory Theatre
I think that each of us lives in an ivory tower. And places like the library get us to come down and interact with the community. I love the personal experience of coming to the library, but there’s also the community aspect. The community functions and concerts have brought me to the idea that libraries are centrally located to connect the citizens of Indianapolis.
—Terence, patron at The Indianapolis Public Library
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