I love exercise. I’ve always been a big advocate for it. It can help with their self-esteem, their confidence, and it can just make them feel good.
—Chris, program operations director at Nine13 Sports
Inspirational snapshots of community members of Central Indiana and their stories.
I love exercise. I’ve always been a big advocate for it. It can help with their self-esteem, their confidence, and it can just make them feel good.
—Chris, program operations director at Nine13 Sports
Receiving funding from CICF is critical to us in fulfilling our mission. We are about 80% property tax funded and with tax caps in Indianapolis, we lose funding. When we want to build programs that really build on our potential, we turn to folks like CICF. For example, continuing education for our staff. As Indy becomes a more diverse place we need our staff to understand more about the wide array of folks that live here. We have been able to work with our sister cities to experience library experiences in other countries. The staff has come home with a much richer appreciation that the world is a lot bigger than us, that international folks are coming here and are we prepared to understand them and are we open to different values and ways of life.
—Jackie, CEO of The Indianapolis Public Library
We really love doing community events because it gives us a chance to speak with parents. We have a lot of repeat riders that go to these events and then the parents get to see what they’ve came home and talked about. The future is unwritten, but there are so many communities we have yet to even step foot in with our programming.
—Aryn, special programs director at Nine13 Sports
I didn’t know about the IRT when they were at the Athenaeum all those years ago. Well, being African-American, it wasn’t in our culture necessarily to go, because it wasn’t invited. Now everyone has an open door. It’s possible for all walks of life and economic backgrounds to be able to come to the theatre.
—Milicent, manager of outreach programs at Indiana Repertory Theatre
It’s a place where you can stay and be blessed and be happy. You don’t have to be concerned. You’ll be taken care of.
—Hernan, guest at Joy’s House
I’m from Columbus, Indiana, but moved here for school. The people in the city are great. The hospitality is amazing, and you never get bored. Don’t be afraid to get out and see what it’s all about. Check out the art, museums, canal and the Indy Eleven. Go Indy Eleven!
—Robert, participant at Indy Ultimate
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