We help a lot of folks that don’t have identification. No drivers license, no birth certificate, no social security card. We help them piece together various documentation and records to obtain an ID.
—Nicole, street outreach supervisor at Horizon House

First, I want to entertain. Second, I want to educate. Third, I want to inspire.
—Bob, teaching artist with Arts for Learning

I love the mission. It’s very much needed. For communities of color, it’s a safe place for us to feel comfortable. For people who might be HIV positive, or who need to be linked to care. Or to be loved on. Or to be supported. This is a hub for them.
—Deidra, IMAGE program coordinator at Brothers United

They’re pretty much giving everyone a second chance—to be able to start over. If you are unfortunate enough to come from a family that’s struggling with either addiction or financial issues or whatnot – or if you’re living out on the streets, they pretty much give you a second chance to restart your life.
—Rodney, youth from Stopover’s Safe Place program

We’re trying to provide access, for everyone, to all of our 250 bikeshare bikes and 29 stations, regardless of age, race, gender or income level. We’re making sure everyone feels that they are able to take part in the fun that bikeshare provides or use it for transportation. The Cultural Trail is a safe place for my Everybody Rides members that have not been on a bike for quite a long time in some cases. It allows them to easily and safely move throughout the downtown area without having to worry about bike lanes and the shared roads of traffic.
—Frank, Everybody Rides program coordinator with The Indianapolis Cultural Trail

A friend asked me to look into PrimeLife because she thought the aquatics would help with my MS. My friend was EXTREMELY right! My neurologist tells me that I’ve made major strides here. He’s surprised by my progress.
—Lisa, member at PrimeLife Enrichment

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