My favorite part about my job is meeting people from different countries with different backgrounds. I came here through the Exodus Refugee from the Congo in 2013. I went through the program here and found my way around Indianapolis. There are over 100 families from the Congo living in Indianapolis. Exodus Refugee has built a community and helped me with the transition from the Congo to Indianapolis. Now I work for Exodus Refugee, and I can help people with their transition to America.
—Ally, case manager at Exodus Refugee

The arts in Indianapolis have changed so dramatically. A lot of new organizations and we’ve seen major changes in the visual art community – some good and some not. The other big change that we’ve seen recently are the changing demographics of our country and city, which changes attendance patterns. The millennial generation has put a lot of emphasis on organizations and experiences happening outside of the traditional model. We are looking at how we can fund innovation and new ideas.
—Dave, president and CEO of the Arts Council of Indianapolis

A client came by for help with a translation. The document he asked us to translate was an eviction notice. He didn’t know that and got upset without knowing what to do. We signed him up for some emergency assistance. We got to help him work with his landlord to figure out a payment plan and help with his utilities. We like to make sure that folks don’t become dependent on our services and within six months he was able to move his family here. He was in here recently with his whole family. We got to meet them and take pictures. They were all ecstatic! I’m so passionate about helping people in direct service, especially in an organization that doesn’t simply resource out everything. I love La Plaza because we sit our clients down and say ‘this is where you can go, this is what I can help you with.’ If we can’t help them we find someone who can. We work with thousands of clients every year, and we can’t do that without funding.
—Breanna, program manager at La Plaza

We are certainly all about providing access to information but have taken it a step further. Instead of simply being a repository, we helping people use information to accomplish their goals.

In this day and age of internet information, our librarians now have the responsibility of educating the public about what is good information and how does it apply to your life.
—Roberta, president of The Indianapolis Public Library Foundation

I got involved because of my granddaughter. My granddaughter always wanted to be in the theatre like her aunt. So one Saturday, we were at the Anthaneum and all these kids came running in. It got me curious so I went over and I got to meet the director. I signed my granddaughter up that day. I couldn’t believe what they were able to accomplish with small amounts of time and a small budget. I attend almost every performance and most rehearsals throughout the year. This organization is amazing to me.
—Larry, board president of Asante Children’s Theatre

I was home for so long. I was very heavy and sat in a recliner day after day. And I didn’t think there was anything wrong with me. Through my time here I’ve lost over 80 pounds, and I’m a different person. The people here really want you to do well. They cheer for you, and it motivates you to do well so you don’t disappoint them!
—Sigrun, member at PrimeLife

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