Stopover took me on a journey that I never thought I’d be on. It showed me the ways that my mother and father couldn’t show me. Stopover gives back to the community for kids who need help—showing them that they can be better than what people tell them and that there’s another way to get through life. They show us how to work. They show us how to get things that we need. When I first got here I didn’t have a birth certificate or a social security card, nor did I even work. So, they made it a goal for me to get my social security card and my birth certificate. Since I’ve been here for the last two months I have both now. I plan on giving back. I plan on helping kids like me who didn’t have nothing growing up and feel like they’ve been left out. For me, I want to give back to the community for kids like me who have been through what I’ve been through.
—Kevin, youth from Stopover’s Safe Place program