When I think about it, the library has all of the resources. English, not being my first language, I’ve been able to use the library to extend and expand my vocabulary and learn how to express myself. The building itself is beautiful, and this place has raised my children! There are so many things that kids can learn here in terms of opening their mind and connecting them with the rest of the world through the information and programs.
—José, patron at the Indianapolis Public Library

I started working with children to supplement my income. I was living and working as an artist, but once I started working with kids I realized how important that was. This started as children’s radio theatre actually. When the first children’s theatre experience ended, I kept getting calls from parents and students saying ‘when are we getting back together?’
—Deborah, founding artistic director at Asante Children’s Theatre

I had horses growing up and I love them. My background is in counseling and I love non-traditional therapeutic environments that incorporate nature and animals. I was drawn here right away.

Working here is very fulfilling. In addition to the horses, the community here is amazing. When a family comes here and the staff and volunteers truly come around one another and help change lives everyday. I can’t imagine anything better to do with my life. Our riders challenge and inspire us as much as we do for them.
—Amanda, executive director at Agape Therapeutic Riding

Our mission is to maintain and to provide this beautiful pathway, so you have a great experience connecting people and places.

The Cultural Trail is giving a physically safe space to move around the city as a pedestrian or cyclist. It’s, I think, improving general health, it’s inviting people, and giving them a beautiful way to experience our downtown.
—Jordan, operations manager at The Indianapolis Cultural Trail: a Legacy of Gene & Marilyn Glick

Knowing my mentee has been great. I really feel like I receive much more than I give from my relationship with my mentee. We communicate throughout the week and go out for all sorts of different reasons. It’s been great to have someone that’s become much more of a friend.
—Sheila, mentor with Trusted Mentors

The community speaks out in many ways. We hear from the community on social media, we hear from the community when they knock on our doors, we hear from the community in structured community meetings, and we hear from the community through events we produce like place-making events, art projects, etc. The days when you get to sit in Tarkington Park and see families from both sides of 38th street playing together and conversing together—those are the things that I enjoy most about my job.
—Michael, executive director at Midtown Indy

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