A Garden In a Desert
Center For Working Families helps woman declare self-sufficiency. Avia Boss felt hurt, scared and overwhelmed—she thought she didn’t want to live anymore. A single mom of four, Boss had lost her own mother and two jobs in the space of just six months. Boss says God’s blessings and Center For Working Families at Edna Martin Christian […]Read More.
5 Corporate Giving Tips From Corporate Givers!
A common theme among successful companies is their philanthropic contributions as a corporation, but many corporations, large or small, don’t know where to start. Tim DeFrench, The RND Group; John Dietz, OrthoIndy and Indiana Orthopedic Hospital; and Brian Acton, BMW Constructors offer unique insight about what they learned in creating a corporate fund at CICF. 5. […]Read More.
Who Helps Hamilton County’s Uninsured?
Trinity Free Clinic Provides No-Cost Medical Clinics to Residents Divorced, uninsured woman in need of emergency eye surgery; laid off asthmatic unable to afford medication; uninsured mom with severe dental problems; factory worker with debilitating back pain; immigrant children in need of immunizations. The list of Hamilton County’s Trinity Free Clinic patients is diverse and […]Read More.
Big Impact From Big Businesses
The expectation that companies give back has become the standard among many job seekers, the Millenial generation (those born between 1980 and the mid-2000s) in particular. Companies giving priority to philanthropic efforts reap plenty of benefits—employee attraction and retention, tax breaks, positive community perception and employee development among them. Where do you start? Take a look at how three Central Indiana businesses are doing it. Read More.
Central Indiana Community Foundation Announces Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship Recipients
Thirteen students from Marion and Hamilton counties have been named recipients of four-year, full-tuition scholarships as the Central Indiana Community Foundation (CICF) 2015 Lilly Endowment Community Scholars. A total of 91 Central Indiana students were interviewed for the scholarships, which stipulated that recipients must: be a resident of Hamilton or Marion County; plan to pursue […]Read More.
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