A Tech City in the Making
At the April 20 Angel Investor meeting, Tech leaders Scott Dorsey, managing partner, High Alpha; Mike Fitzgerald, partner, High Alpha; and Mark Hill, managing partner, Collina Ventures discussed how Central Indiana’s tech scene stacks up against larger markets.Read More.
Angel Investor Updates: Spring 2016
CICF works with many community leaders and organizations, and one of our greatest privileges is to work with our Angel Investors, a group of 87 organizations, individuals and families. It’s their commitment to not only CICF, but also our community, that makes big dreams like these a reality. The belief that Central Indiana can be better for everyone who lives here inspires us all to never stop dreaming and doing.Read More.
Why the Denver Hutt Legacy Foundation Supports Ben Franklin Funds
The Denver Hutt Legacy Foundation was formed in the weeks after the death of young entrepreneurial leader Denver Hutt to continue her legacy and vision of striving to make Indianapolis an even better city. Denver, who was only 28 when she passed away, never rested on past successes, and instead, always focused on the next great idea that would redefine community, industry, or placemaking.Read More.
More Than 63,000 Marion County Youth to Benefit from $2.6 Million in Grants from The Summer Youth Program Fund
The Summer Youth Program Fund, a collaborative of 11 local and national partners, will provide $2,602,193 in grants to support programs at 178 organizations in Marion County. The grants will fund 223 low- or no-cost summertime programs, activities and experiences for more than 63,000 area children age 4 to 19. Activities include sports, overnight camping, career exploration, youth employment, community service, college access and academic enrichment.Read More.
The Indianapolis Foundation Announces Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship Recipients
Nine students from Marion County have been named recipients of four-year, full-tuition scholarships as The Indianapolis Foundation 2016 Lilly Endowment Community Scholars. A total of 66 Marion County students were interviewed for the scholarships, which stipulated that recipients must: be a resident of Marion County; plan to pursue a full-time baccalaureate course of study beginning […]Read More.
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