The Sheridan Community School Scholarship Foundation Fund recently awarded 10 Sheridan High School seniors scholarships totaling $28,000 for the 2017-2018 school year. Just two years prior, the committee researched ways to ensure the scholarship fund would continue its original mission for generations to come—to provide scholarships to graduates from Sheridan High School.Read More.
CICF and its affiliates, The Indianapolis Foundation and Legacy Fund, serving Hamilton County, awarded 159 scholarships totaling nearly $1.1 million for the 2017-2018 academic year. Read More.
CICF recently launched a new type of fund specifically for charitable gifts of IRA rollovers. If you have clients who are at least 70½, they are eligible to transfer up to $100,000, or up to $200,000 for a married couple, of their IRA assets directly to a qualified public charity. Read More.
Utilize CICF’s expertise without giving up management of your client’s charitable assets. A 2015 Bank of America study found that 89 percent of professional advisors discuss philanthropy with clients and 71 percent make it their regular practice to ask clients about their interest in charitable giving. Chances are, you are one of those advisors! Read More.
In 2012, a master plan was adopted to completely renovate and redesign Tarkington Park, a feat estimated to cost $12 million in total, and phase 1, the most recently competed phase, costing $6 million. Included in Phase 1 is the play area built into the landscape, a spray plaza, comfort stations, basketball courts and, eventually, a performance stage and a local vendor to operate the café. Read More.