Herbert Simon Love of Reading Project Aims to Improve Student Literacy
Three Indianapolis Public Schools have been chosen for the Herbert Simon Love of Reading Project, a two-year pilot that promotes a love of reading to increase the number of students reading at grade level. The project is funded by the Herbert Simon Family Foundation and supported by Central Indiana Community Foundation.Read More.
New Staff Announced for Central Indiana Community Foundation
Central Indiana Community Foundation (CICF) announced today new staff members in technology, effective philanthropy, community leadership and marketing. These individuals bring to CICF a wide array of experiences in the not-for-profit, corporate and public sectors. These positions are effective immediately:Read More.
A Path for Lifelong Philanthropy
I have very clear memories of sitting between my mother and grandmother at church on Sundays and my grandmother handing me a dollar to drop in the collection plate when it was time for the offering. Even as small children, we knew it was our duty to proffer our small token to help the church, to help those who were less fortunate because God had been good to us; this was the start of my relationship with philanthropic giving.Read More.
Letter in support of hate crime legislation
It is with conviction that Central Indiana Community Foundation (CICF); its affiliates, The Indianapolis Foundation and Hamilton County Community Foundation; and Women’s Fund of Central Indiana, a fund of CICF, support the passage of hate crime (anti-bias) legislation for the state of Indiana.Read More.
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