Collaborative Awards $2.9 Million for Marion County Summer Youth Programs
The Summer Youth Program Fund, a funding collaborative of 10 local and national partners, announced grants totaling $2,928,182 will be awarded to 169 not-for-profit organizations serving youth in Marion County. The grants will fund 210 summertime programs, activities and experiences for individuals ages 4-24. The collaborative will also support organizations through capital grants totaling just over $800,000.Read More.
Are Your Clients Ready to Talk About Bunching Now?
The Tax Cuts & Jobs Act (TCJA) went into effect on January 1, 2018, but as you well know, 2018 taxes were not due until a few days ago, meaning your clients may not have fully understood what the TCJA meant for their bottom line until recently. Or perhaps your clients knew how the TCJA would impact their 2018 taxes and intended to bunch their charitable contributions into a donor-advised fund at the end of the year using appreciated stock. But the stock market tanked in December, and understa…Read More.
CICF Announces 5-Year Strategic Plan for Marion County
Central Indiana Community Foundation (CICF) announced its 5-year strategic plan on Thursday, Apr. 11. The plan will execute its mission to mobilize people, ideas and investments to make this a community where all individuals have equitable opportunity to reach their full potential—no matter place, race or identity. The foundation called for a more Inclusive City by helping to create environments and neighborhoods that empower people, changing systems that unfairly hold people back, and di…Read More.
The Indianapolis Foundation Awards Over $1.5 million in Grants
The Indianapolis Foundation, an affiliate of Central Indiana Community Foundation, announced today grant awards totaling $1,558,806 to not-for-profit organizations serving Marion County. Grants support 41 initiatives related to transportation access, healthy youth, education, arts and culture, and affordable housing, among others.Read More.
Hamilton County Community Foundation Awards Grants, Welcomes Board Members
Hamilton County Community Foundation, an affiliate of Central Indiana Community Foundation, announced today grants totaling $75,000 will be awarded to eight not-for-profit organizations serving Hamilton County. The grants support health, education and transportation initiatives ensuring all Hamilton County residents have equitable opportunity to lead safe and healthy lives.Read More.
Help Your Business Owner Clients with a Corporate-Advised Fund through CICF
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is a business approach that contributes to sustainable development by delivering economic, social, and environmental benefits for all stakeholders. CSR takes a number of different forms, and companies can implement customized CSR strategies that fit their business models and are responsive to the needs and interests of their employees.Read More.
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