Public Transit is More than a Bus Line—it can be a Lifeline
A real problem is people don’t recognize the importance of transportation unless they don’t have access to a personal vehicle. *Insert nervous laugh as I look around the room guiltily.  When you’ve always had your own vehicle, you don’t even consider what life would be like without it. I’m a perfect example. My parents bought my first car before I passed the driving test. I won the “first-year-student parking lotto” to bring my car to campus freshman year of college. Duri…Read More.
CICF Philanthropic Collaborative Shares Progress on Equity Journey 
—by Brian Payne, President and CEO, Central Indiana Community Foundation  In 2018, the Central Indiana Community Foundation (CICF) philanthropic collaborative, including The Indianapolis Foundation, Hamilton County Community Foundation and Women’s Fund of Central Indiana, made a promise to our community—to make Central Indiana a place where everyone has an equitable opportunity to reach their full […]Read More.
Your Story, Our Community: FreeWheelin’ Community Bikes
By Tashi Copeland  Near the corner of Fairfield and Central Avenue in Indianapolis, you’ll see a building adorned with a bright yellow sign and free-styled letters with three words—Freewheelin’ Community Bikes. As you enter the shop, you’ll find yourself encased with an assortment of bikes, greeted by an enthusiastic staff. But what you’ll also find […]Read More.
Fishers Arts Council discovers the intersection of art and community
After an interview with Fishers Arts Council about transitioning into the Collaboration Hub from Fishers City Hall, we focus in on how art has meaning for a community's identity. As a recap, the Fishers Arts Council's monthly galleries and receptions are being held at the Collaboration Hub (the Hub) located at Hamilton County Community Foundation through the end of 2022 via a Fishers Arts & Culture Commission grant that was awarded for Hamilton County Community Foundation act as host for thes…Read More.
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