Project Prism: Housing LGBTQ+ Youth
In this interview, Kenya Anderson, manager of youth services and case management at Indiana Youth Group (IYG), discusses the importance of programs like Project Prism. Launched in October of 2020, Project Prism was the first rapid rehousing project of its kind focused specifically on serving LGBTQ+ young adults. It has since become the largest rehousing provider […]Read More.
2021: Our Road to Equity—a Year in Review
2020 was a year filled with unique challenges, some that were incredibly unexpected and others that were previously ignored by too many for too long. Within these challenges is profound tragedy and loss. There also lies an incredible opportunity to collectively learn how we as a community—and as a foundation—can do better. This year has proven that our commitment to equity and reconciliation is in direct alignment with what is needed to make our community in Central Indiana a place where …Read More.
Mayor Joe Hogsett, The Indianapolis Foundation Announce Elevation Grant Program Application
Today, Mayor Joe Hogsett and the Indianapolis Foundation announced applications for the Elevation Grant Program will open April 1 at Previously known as the Violent Crime Reduction Grant Program, this initiative will invest $45 million in neighborhoods over the next three years to address root causes of violent crime in Indianapolis. Funding for the 2022 grant program was passed unanimously by the City-County Council last year. Powered by American Rescue Plan funding fo…Read More.
CICF Announces 2022 Violent Crime Reduction Recipients
Today, Central Indiana Community Foundation (CICF) and the City of Indianapolis announced the newest recipients of the Violent Crime Reduction Grant Program. Thirty organizations will receive a total of $2,897,000 for projects that develop and implement integrated, evidence-based practices to prevent and reduce crime in Indianapolis. The Indianapolis Foundation, an affiliate of CICF, administers these grants using criteria and funding allocated annually by the Indianapolis City-County Council.Read More.
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