Youth Safety Creates Thriving Communities
Tawnya McCrary is expanding her services to the Westside of Indianapolis through a recent grant from the Elevation Grant Program. Through a partnership with EmployIndy, Flanner House, and Indy Parks, there is a new YES Indy Rec Center at Watkins Park.Read More.
2022: Our Road to Equity—a Year in Review
Central Indiana Community Foundation (CICF), The Indianapolis Foundation, Hamilton County Community Foundation, Women’s Fund of Central Indiana and IMPACT Central Indiana are a $1 billion collective of philanthropic organizations committed to making Central Indiana a community where all individuals have an equitable opportunity to reach their full potential—no matter place, race or identity. Throughout the past few years, our organizations shifted our internal structure to better posit…Read More.
Martin Center Sickle Cell Initiative Continues to Support the Community
Science has proven that sickle cell arises from the body’s attempt to fight malaria. Although sickle cell disease is a global disorder affecting people of all races—as a direct result of the transatlantic slave trade—most individuals with sickle cell in the United States are Black. While health issues are a direct challenge of the disease, additional challenges to family stabilization and upward economic mobility arise as secondary side effects. These are two community leadership initia…Read More.
Mayor Joe Hogsett and The Indianapolis Foundation Announce Third Round of Elevation Grant Program
Today, Mayor Joe Hogsett and The Indianapolis Foundation announced applications for the third round of the Elevation Grant Program will open on Monday, Jan. 16, 2023, at Powered by American Rescue Plan funding for pandemic relief, this initiative will invest $45 million in neighborhoods through 2024 to address root causes of violent crime in Indianapolis.Read More.
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