Gaps and Opportunities Report Commissioned by Hamilton County Community Foundation

Hamilton County Community Foundation has commissioned a report that identifies and analyzes the needs of our community members in Hamilton County. The report is available here.  

“Our Needs Assessment highlighted that Hamilton County is really a tale of two counties,” said Tom Kilian, President of Hamilton County Community Foundation. “Our data shows that though many community members are thriving, many are worried about accessing essential services and resources such as affordable housing, dependable childcare, and reliable healthcare. This information will influence the priorities our strategic planning as well as play a role in guiding our grantmaking in the future.” 

The report presents data and recommendations surrounding five priority areas: 

  • Affordable Housing 
  • Education & Training 
  • Social Services 
  • Childcare Solutions 
  • Transportation 

These priorities not only reflect the acute needs within Hamilton County’s community but also embody the essence of Hamilton County Community Foundation’s mission. They signal a call to action for us to leverage our platform and resources to catalyze change.  Hamilton County Community Foundation invests over $600,000 annually in the Hamilton County community through grants and strategic partnerships and this report will serve as a guiding resource. 

Hamilton County Community Foundation’s next step, which is currently underway, is to refresh its strategic plan to ensure it is aligned with the county’s needs identified in this report. The refreshed strategic plan will be shared after it is completed. 


Media Contact
Hamilton County Community Foundation: Kelsey Singh (

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