Thank you for taking the time to share with us how we can be better partners in your philanthropy.


Fundholder engagement survey - 2021

Opportunities to Learn More With Us

Please select any and all areas where you'd like to learn more in your own learning journey. *
Please select any and all focus areas that you would like to learn more about. *
How would you prefer to engage? *
What learning opportunities are you most likely to engage with? *
How can we best support you and your philanthropy? *
I'd like to receive the special fundholder edition of CICF's monthly e-newsletter, Inspiring Philanthropy. *

Help Us Do Better

We are committed to equity. Knowing the demographic of our fundholders will better inform us of how this group reflects the diversity within our community. Your responses will help us do better.

These questions are optional and the data collected will be confidential.
Race & Ethnicity - select all that apply
Sexual Orientation
Do you identify as having any of the following - select all that apply

If you have any additional questions or concerns, please reach out to us directly or at