Parker Williams of Roncalli High School and his mother receive the news that he is a 2017 Lilly Scholar.
Thirteen students in Marion, Hamilton counties receive four-year, full-tuition scholarships
Central Indiana Community Foundation (CICF) recently awarded 13 students from Marion and Hamilton counties with Lilly Endowment Community Scholarships.
The four-year, full-tuition scholarship recipients were nominated by interview committees at The Indianapolis Foundation, a CICF affiliate serving Marion County, and Legacy Fund, a CICF affiliate serving Hamilton County. Seventy-two and thirty-five students were interviewed in each county, respectively, and finalists names were submitted to Independent Colleges of Indiana, Inc. for final scholarship selections. A total of 142 Lily Endowment Community Scholarships were awarded as a part of the statewide Lilly Endowment initiative to help more students reach higher levels of education.
The Hamilton County Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship Selection Committee at Legacy Fund awarded scholarships to the following four students:
- Yilin Dwyer, Noblesville High School
- Laura Galles, Westfield High School
- Justin Mamaril, Westfield High School
- Victoria Zetterberg, Sheridan High School
The Marion County Lilly Endowment Community Scholarship Selection Committee at The Indianapolis Foundation awarded scholarships to the following nine students:
- Brianna Bangert, Park Tudor High School
- Jazmine Brownlow, Emmerich Manual High School
- Naomi Castellon-Perez, Pike High School
- Josie Merritt, Speedway High School
- Izabella Spriggs, Herron High School
- Abigail Strahla, Beech Grove High School
- Ti’Sharon Thompson, Indianapolis Metropolitan High School
- Parker Williams, Roncalli High School
- Antony Winfrey, Pike High School

Pike High School students, Naomi Castellon-Perez and Antony Winfrey
Accredited high schools were eligible to nominate up to two students, who then applied and interviewed with the community foundation in their county. Scholarship guidelines stipulate that recipients must: be residents of Hamilton or Marion County; plan to pursue a fulltime baccalaureate course of study beginning in the fall of 2017 at a public or private college or university in Indiana; demonstrate an un-weighted GPA of at least 2.5 (3.0 for students in Hamilton County); demonstrate financial need; demonstrate leadership or initiative in their school or community; and promise to, upon graduation, give back to the community.
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